Monday, March 26, 2007

*le sigh*

While the initial purpose of this blog was to wax rhapsodic about my wellness program and how well I was doing (or not) with it, I believe this is where the bulk of my semi-serious blogging will be done because a lot of the people on my LJ flist are poopy-heads. I'm still keeping up with folks there but I'm not posting anything of real import and am only skimming my flist. I know, I know... I could just unfriend the poopyheads, but that, friends and fiends, is a political position and I just don't want to go there. If you understand this, I'm sorry. If you don't, kneel and give thanks to your God(s) of choice that your life has not been touched by this nonsense.

Anyway, hardly anyone reads my blog anymore anyway, so... *pbbbbt*

So, about this wellness thing... it's going mostly okay. I had that chocolate/sugar binge thing on Thursday, then had a migraine on Friday (and yes, Virginia, I recognize that there is probably a relationship between the two...). Saturday, I was off to the wilds of Splendour Hollow, wherein I was much more concerned about not getting gluten than I was counting my Points to a T. Plus, it was an extremely (and I mean extremely) emotional weekend in a lot of ways. I'm gonna leave talking about that for my paper journal, but suffice to say, emotional eating won the day.

I'm back on track today and have done well with my Points and I am pretty sure that I didn't do any sort of permanent damage, scale-wise. We'll just have to see on Wednesday, when I weigh in.

The plus side to all of this is that we've turned the Wheel and Spring is officially here! I challenge you to get out and enjoy it!

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