Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hormones AKA the roller coaster ride from H-E-L-L

Just as a warning to those who come after me:

VSG screws with your hormones. No, really, it does! Not only does it help defeat the hunger hormone, ghrelin, losing weight quickly (and I think that 3-ish pounds/week is pretty quickly) floods your system with the hormones your body has stored in your fat cells. So I've got all that going for me. Plus, after 15+ years, I went off of hormonal birth control just before surgery, most recently the progestin-only "mini pill".

So what does that mean? It means that my monthly cycles are all screwed up. *sigh* Everything I've read has said that it might be as long as 6 months before I get normalized again. Right now, I can't even say with certainty that I'm "late" since I've not had a period that my body was in full control of since 1995. The Pill suppresses ovulation and the "period" you have is really hormone withdrawl bleeding. So, my body's all like "Wait, what? You mean I have to re-learn how to ovulate now? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?" And I'm all like "Yeah, and it'd be nice if you'd figure out how so I can actually get off of this hormonal roller coaster." :-)

Between DH's vasectomy in January and us faithfully using condoms, the liklihood of my being pregnant is EXTREMELY low, but I'll be testing that to make sure. I have my annual with my OBGYN next month and if my period is still AWOL by then, I'll be talking to her about this and see what she recommends OTHER than going back on hormonal BC. In the interim, cross your fingers for me that my body gets with the program ASAP. :-)


InWeighOverMyHead said...

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?"

OMGosh. too funny. I have PCOS so I have very screwed up periods. I just finished bleeding after 5 months!

H. R. Duby said...

@Lisa I have PCOS, too, so that's certainly not helping the roller coaster ride. :-) Thankfully, everything I've read has shown that most of the PCOS symptoms resolve after weight loss, so, we're both on the right track. *hugs*

Beth Adams said...

I can sympathize with the hormone roller coaster. I've been on it since having Kira. I swear, my PMS has gotten 200% worse since. They say it can take up to a year after having a baby to go back to normal. Eep!