Friday, August 06, 2010


While I still have an assignment due today and our group project due on Monday, I'm still glad that today is Friday. It's been a long week, mostly because it's been so gorram HOT! But I missed my bus two days this week; once was my fault because I really was running late but yesterday, the bus passed by the stop (I saw it) early. According to the published schedule, it's supposed to hit the timepoint before my stop at 6:55AM. Since that's about 5-6 minutes away, I still try to be at my stop at 6:55-6:56AM (basically, I try to be at my stop when the bus is scheduled to get to the stop before, if that makes sense). Well, yesterday AM, it hit my stop at 6:56 (as I was waiting to cross the street to get to my stop). There is NO way it hit the timepoint, as they are not supposed leave them early, and made it to my stop in ONE minute. I know that the timepoints will be 10 minutes earlier after the transit center opens on 08/16, but they are supposed to be going by the current schedule until then. I abhor getting anyone into trouble, but I asked the transfer point supervisor if they'd already switched to the new timepoints, and she said no, and I explained the situation. This morning, I tried my darndest to be at the stop by 6:50, just in case (was there at 6:52, so that wasn't horrible). Bus got there at 6:56, so I was glad I was there early. I guess I should just prepare to be there on time for the new timepoints. Hopefully not having to be up until all hours of the night will facilitate my getting up a smidge earlier.

Next week I've decided to swim at our pool at home in the evenings, or walk home (basically not go to the gym), and take the week I have between semesters to catch up on some housework that I've let slide this summer. I need to get the fridge cleaned out because I think we're going to have to tell the manager that "it's dead, Jim." I put a bottle of water in the freezer two days ago and it's still water. That's not right. So... Hopefully it won't take them long to get it repaired or get us a new one. The fridge wasn't new when we moved in and that was 15 years ago. I may get them to look at the AC while they're at it.

Starting on Monday, 16 August (when the transit center opens), I'll get the trolley to the gym and start my as-of-yet-undetermined workout routine. I'm really thinking of upper body two days/week and lower body two days/week + stretching everyday and walking home or swimming as my cardio. According to my surgeon's office and my pre-op behavioral guidelines, I'm supposed to concentrate on strength training and flexibility, so that's what I'm going to do. So long as I get a minimum of 60 minutes of movement (exercise + non-exercise)/day, I'm good.

I hope all are well and staying hydrated in this heat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good exercise plan/ the upper body/lower body.

Hope you get a new fridge very soon.

Enjoy the weekend!