Monday, January 12, 2009

Official Restart

I officially re-started WW today. So far, so good. I even went and walked for 20 minutes @ lunch. I'd allotted 30, but I'm listening to my body these days, and it said that if I tried to push it too much more, I'd regret it sooner rather than later. So... I can already tell I'm releasing fluid, if you know what I mean. :-) Hopefully that will translate into a downward trend on the old scale.

That's pretty much all the news that's fit to print. Have a good week!

1 comment:

Mimi to Ian, Liliana and Cooper said...

Good for you for re-starting! I like to walk but ONLY if I have someone to push.....such as wheelchair or my granddaughter's stroller........generally I have someone in the wheelchair so I am pushing 233 pounds around as I walk.

Cheering for you!