Monday, January 26, 2009

Back on Track... I hope

After a release of 3.8# this morning, I must say I'm pretty happy with that. That was with just trying to get my healthy guidelines and just journaling. I kept a weather eye out on my Points, but didn't sweat going over. This week, I am back to faithfully counting my Points, so I can't wait to see how well I do on the scale on 02/02.

I'm so tired of not being able to exercise!!! I'm really fidgety because I have more energy to burn off, but no real outlet. It sucks. Thankfully, house cleaning earns me Activity Points, but it doesn't really use up all the extra energy. This week, though, I need to get into the storage room (which will eventually be the office/guestroom) and get it gone through and de-cluttered. That should burn off quite a lot of my excess energy. :-) Hopefully, the vestiges of the cough will be gone by the weekend so I can start back at the gym. That would be awesome! If nothing else, I'll start lifting weights and go from there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work! *hugs*