Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gained this week... sorta

As I expected, I had a gain this week. It was about 2#. I wasn't surprised and, in fact, reacted to it with the "oh well" shrug. I knew that the Prednisone-induced eating would cause me to retain fluid and I also knew that the 2# was more than likely not -fat-. So, I'm looking at the gain and knowing that I -will- have it back off by my next weigh-in. I'm optimistic that it will take some of its friends with it. :-) This is a bad budget week, so I'm having to really use my Points creatively. I may still end up going over on my weeklies, but I'm going to try my darndest not to. We'll just have to see.

The news that got me worse that the scale was the test results I got back from my doc. My cholesterol/triglycerides are way up again. :-/ So, he's wanting me to add a super dose of niacin. Part of me wants to not do it and just get it back down with diet, but he also wants to re-test in 2 months. So, I figure I'll go ahead and fill the scrip when we get paid and give it a shot for those two months. If I can't deal with the side effects, then I'll talk to him about not using it anymore. I have set a goal that I will be off some of my obesity-influenced meds by next year. I'll need to banish quite a bit before the doc will be willing to entertain the possibility, I'm sure, but I want to give it the old college try. I'd really like to be at goal by the time I start graduate school, which is tentatively scheduled for Fall 2010 (approximately 16 months). If I average 2#/week, that gets me darn close. I know I can't count on even full pound banishments, but... I'm thinking positively. :-)

Right now, though, I'm concentrating on getting my lungs in shape so that I can start exercising again. That will definitely go a LONG way towards upping my odds of success. Yes, you can banish weigh on WW without exercise, but you miss out on so many of the benefits from exercise if you don't. Right now, I'm just doing short walks that probably don't even get my heart rate into the cardio range - I'll have to check that. But at least I'm doing -something-, right?

So, onward and downward. I'm pushing a lot of water this week because we're doing a lot of cheap food that is high in sodium. I need to find cheap meals that are still WW friendly so that, if a next budget crisis hits, we'll be ready. :-)

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