Thursday, February 19, 2009

Accountability & Apostrophes

Well, the steroid shot I was given to help ease the inflammation of my bronchial passages made me want to eat the house. Since I wasn't feeling well already, I had minimal willpower to prevent me from eating said house. Thusly, I'm no longer in the 260s. I hope I'll have myself under control soon. If nothing else, I'm getting plenty of fruits & veggies this weekend so that, if I do feel the need to eat something, I can have something that won't so completely de-rail my efforts.

I've also been a bit concerned... okay, more than a bit... about the frequency of the respiratory infections, both upper (sinus) and lower (bronchitis) that I've been getting recently. So I went to my quiet place and tried to figure out what might be causing them. Then it hit me. I've been allowing more and more gluten back into my diet. So, I went forth and did some research and it turns out that respiratory symptoms can be caused by gluten intolerance. I almost wish I had full-blown Celiac Disease because I'd know immediately that I'd been "glutened" and I would have a more regular and obvious reason to not eat it. Instead, I have Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, which allows me to eat and eat and eat gluten and then, all of a sudden, I have a really intense flare of Fibromyalgia or a case of Bronchitis that I need a steriod shot and an antibiotic that they give to slow the progression of Anthrax to fix.

So, my goal is to come up with GF meals that are also Points-friendly so that I can have my (gluten free) cake & eat it too, as it were. I have nearly 130 pounds to remove from my person. I weigh 2X what I should. Double. That's just not right. I also know that I'm not ever going to budge from where I am if I don't cut the gluten back out of my diet. Thankfully, I love fruits and veggies and they are all naturally gluten free. :-) I have a book checked out from the library called 1000 Gluten Free Recipes. If I find a bunch I like, I may see if I can buy it for home. We'll see. I'm not sure if the nutrition information is included or not. I guess they figure that most people who would be using the book are Celiacs, who are typically diagnosed after losing a lot of weight and don't mind how many kCal is in something. *shrug* What are you gonna do?

So, as soon as I am able, I'm going to the supermarket and I'm going to start bringing my lunches again, and I will go back to being GF. Darn it. I vaguely remember how fabulous I felt when I was GF and really working WW. I want that again. Darn it.

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