I had my one-year appointment with my surgeon and had been prepared to endure a lecture. Thankfully, he seems to be happy with the fact that I was still below the weight I'd been in September, regardless of how much below. He told me that plateus happen and that many of his patients actually manage to lose (his word, which I hate) significantly in the second year. I had another body scan which is always enlightening. ;-) I go back to see him in June for my 18-month appointment and I'm determined to be at goal by then. Dammit.
I have some friends who have joined me on the "let's OWN 2012" bandwagon and we sat down on New Year's Day and set goals and have promised to be accountable to each other for support, cheerleading, and ass-kicking as the need requires. I think that will be extremely helpful.
I started 2012 with writing down all of my food and drink in a journal. I'm not judging, just recording. Right now I'm simply concerned with two questions: am I eating enough protein? and am I drinking enough water? Based on the first few days of the year, no on the protein and yes-ish on the water. In other words, I'm drinking my bare minimum so I need to bump it up a smidgen.
I've decided that 2012 is going to be my year to clear out the clutter in all aspects of my life. I will get to my goal weight, I will have a clean and pleasing home and we will make great strides towards being debt-free. I don't know that we can manage being completely debt-free but we'll certainly be a lot closer by 12/31/2012. :-)This is a big year for me because I will earn my MSIS in August. I'll have to start deciding what I'm going to do with my degree. Right now, though, I have to concentrate on surviving the next two semesters while preparing for comprehensive exams. But it'll be grand when I'm done. I honestly don't know what I'll do with all of that free time. I will probably fill some of it with creative endeavors. I'd like to take a ceramics class. I've always wanted to do that, and it sounds like a lot of fun.
I hope that everyone had a great holiday and that your new year is off to a pleasant start.